

Department of Biophysics

Noticeboard: General Notices / Department Circular / Notifications


e-Tenders are invited from the manufacturers/authorised dealers for supply of "CD Spectrophotometer", Principal Investigator : Dr. Avneet Saini, Department of Biophysics, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Tender documents containing detailed information, terms and conditions of the tender may be downloaded from the website:

  Dated: 16/08/2018
1. 10/02/2025Advertisement for the post of Guest Faculty
2. 17/01/2025Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Outreach Programme.
3. 09/01/2025Ph.D. Admission Notice
4. 24/12/2024Advertisement for the post of Senior-Technician G-II
5. 29/11/2024Revised Practical Date Sheet
6. 21/11/2024End Semester Revised Practical date sheet
7. 20/11/2024Date Sheet End Semester Examination Nov-Dec 2024
8. 19/11/2024Lecture on the occasion of Global Science Week 2024.
9. 13/11/2024Revised Advertisement for Project Assistant
10. 11/11/2024Date sheet for Special Re-appear examination October 2024
11. 24/10/2024Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant
12. 30/09/2024Date sheet Mid-semester examination October 2024
13. 22/08/2024Call for Quotations
14. 21/08/2024Viva-Voce of Ms. Shilpa
15. 08/08/2024Lecture on the topic Epigenetic regulation in prostate development and cancer by Dr. Jaideep Chaudhary
16. 30/07/2024Date sheet Re-appear July-August 2024
17. 23/07/2024Filled Seats of Dept. of Biophysics after 1st Counseling
18. 14/06/2024Revised Circular regarding submission of offline admission form for Foreign National/NRI candidtes
19. 03/06/2024Advertisement Notice
20. 14/03/2024Regarding Extension for the receiving of applications for the post of Guest Faculty upto 21.03.2024
21. 07/03/2024Advertisement for the post of Guest Faculty
22. 16/01/2024Auction of obsolete items
23. 22/12/2023Advertisement Notice for the post of Junior Research Fellow under CSIR research project
24. 22/11/2023Regarding Extension to submit application of one post of Junior Research Fellow by 5th December 2023
25. 14/11/2023Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow
26. 02/11/2023Viva-voce examination of Ms. Ramanpreet Kaur 16.11.2023
27. 05/10/2023Viva-voce examination of Ms. Preeti dated 06.10.2023
28. 03/10/2023Mid-Semester October 2023 date sheet
29. 03/10/2023Revised golden chance date sheet
30. 17/08/2023Expert Talk Series (2023-24) on 22-08-2023 (Tuesday) at 3.30 PM in Department of Biophysics.
31. 02/08/2023Revised Advertisement of KARYASHALA workshop at Department of Biophysics, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
32. 25/07/2023Application form for “KARYASHALA ON- Biology meets nanotechnology: a fruitful amalgamation for research advancement’.” N
33. 25/07/2023Advertisement of KARYASHALA workshop at Department of Biophysics, Panjab University Chandigarh.
34. 25/07/2023Advertrisement for Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
36. 05/07/2023Re-Appear Practical Examination Date sheet of BPH-C6
37. 27/06/2023Extension of last date for applying to UG courses at for the session 2023-24
38. 17/04/2023Advetrisement for Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
39. 22/03/2023Flyer and Link of RTBT 2023 Conference of Department of Biophysics
40. 14/03/2023Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the ICMR reseach project
41. 02/03/2023Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellor (JRF) in DST SERB
42. 30/01/2023Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
43. 19/01/2023Ph.D Admission Schedule for the session 2022-23
44. 30/12/2022Extension for receiving application for the Post of Junior Reserach Fellow upto 10th January 2023
45. 12/12/2022Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow in the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) sponsored research porject.
46. 25/11/2022Expert Talk Series on 25-11-2022 (Friday) at 12.00 PM.
47. 04/11/2022Lecture of Distinguished Alumni Dr. Gurjit Kaur and Dr. Ankit Watts on the occasion of Global Alumni Meet 2022.
48. 27/09/2022List of Selected Candidates for the Admission in M.Sc.(Hons.) 1st Semester Department of Biophysics for the Session 2022-23.
49. 15/09/2022Final UGC-MRP Project Report of Prof. M.L. Garg.
50. 24/08/2022SHODH SAMWAD - A CRIKC initiative to connect PIs & their research groups FORGING COLLABORATIONS & FOSTERING PARTNERSHIPS
51. 12/08/2022Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) (11th-15th August, 2022)
52. 10/08/2022Advertisement for the post of Guest Faculty
53. 10/08/2022Advertisement for the post of Guest Faculty
54. 22/07/2022Polymerase Chain Reaction ( PCR)
55. 22/07/2022Revised Admission Schedule for UG Courses for the Session 2022-23
56. 15/07/2022Hands -on training Program on "Advanced Trends in Biomedical Sciences: Research and Skill development"
57. 30/06/2022Cleanliness Drive in Collaboration with NSS Panjab University Chandigarh.
58. 30/06/2022An Outreach Webinar on "A Roadmap to the Career Options in Biophysics".
59. 20/06/2022storage cryocan liquid nitrogen container 34ltrs& 31ltrs. QTY 01 each
60. 21/03/2022Vritika Research Internship Training Programme
61. 17/02/2022Ph.D Viva-voce examination of Ms. Komal
62. 11/02/2022Extension of Last date for the submission of Ph.D admission applications
63. 03/12/2021Ph.D Viva-voce examination of Ms. Ankita
64. 16/11/2021Notice of Chandigarh Administration regarding Special Summary Revision of Photo Electrol Rolls
65. 09/11/2021Inaugural Lecture of the Expert Talk Series (2021-2022) by Prof. T.P. Singh
66. 27/10/2021Webinar on the occasion of Vigilance Awareness week-2021 on Transparency and Accountability in Governance.
67. 11/08/2021Applications are invited for one post of JRF under the 'ICMR' project in the Deptt. of Biophysics
68. 10/08/2021Admission Schedule for PG Course for the session 2021-2022
69. 26/07/2021Applications are invited for one post of JRF under the 'ICMR' project in the Department of Biophysics
70. 19/07/2021Distinguished Lecture Under the Aegis of Indian Science Conress Assosciation (Chandigarh Chapter) and Chadigarh Forum for Science and Technology Communication on 21-07-2021 at 11.00 a.m.
71. 17/06/2021Webinar on the Occasion of International Yoga day on 18.06.2021 at 3.00 P.M.
72. 28/05/20216th Lecture of Expert Talk Series by Prof. Baljinder Singh on 31st may 2021 at 3.00 P.M.
73. 20/05/2021Advertisement for the post Junior-Technician(G-III) from the in-service employees of Panjab University
74. 20/05/2021Advertisement for the 02 posts of G-I on the basis of 100% Internal Promotion
75. 20/05/2021Advertisement notice for the post of Guest Faculty in the Dept. of Biophysics
76. 26/04/2021Expert Talk Series on 30th April, 2021 (Friday) at 4.30 p.m.
77. 22/04/2021Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant (UGC-BSR) Faculty
78. 05/04/2021Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow/Project Associate-I
79. 24/03/2021Expert talk series on 25th March, 2021 (Thursday) at 3.00 p.m.
80. 27/01/2021Expert talk series on 30th January,2021 (Saturday) at 9.00 a.m.
81. 21/01/2021Applications are invited for one post of JRF under the ‘DST’ project in the Department of Biophysics, Panjab University, Chd.
82. 21/01/2021Online Alumni Meet Department of Biophysics, Panjab University, Chandigarh
83. 05/01/2021Swachta Drive on 14.01.2021 (Thursday)
84. 31/12/2020Admission Schedule of Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Biophysics for the Session 2020-21
85. 18/12/2020Expert Talk Series on 22th December, 2020 (Tuesday) at 3.00 P.M.
86. 07/12/2020Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant in the Department of Biophysics, P.U., Chd.
87. 25/11/2020Expert Talk Series on 27th November, 2020 (Friday) at 3.00 P.M. by online mode through CISCO Webex
88. 10/11/2020SOP online Examination-2020
89. 10/11/2020Regarding the Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Yasmeen, Research Scholar
90. 23/10/2020REgarding the Ph.D. Viva voce of Ms. Priti Bhardwaj, Research Scholar
91. 19/08/2020Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Sonia Verma
92. 05/08/2020Regarding Ph.D Viva-Voce examination of Ms. Vandana Mohan
93. 30/06/2020COVID-19: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Panjab University Campus
94. 11/06/2020Regarding 2nd Webinar :- Covid 19 : Management and Therapeutic Interventions on dated June 12, 2020 at 12.00 Noon
95. 04/06/2020Regarding Webinar : Immunoprofiling and Immune Function Analysis of T cells in COVID-19: A Flow Cytometry Perspective” on 5th June, 2020 at 10.30 a.m.
96. 13/03/2020Advertisement for the post of Guest Faculty
97. 13/02/2020Applications are invited for one post of Junior Research Fellow in the DRDO Sponsored Project in the Department of Biophysics
98. 31/01/2020Applications are invited for one post of Project Fellow in the Department of Biophysics
99. 08/01/2020Walk-in-Interview for appointing 02(two) Guest Faculty in the Department of Biophysics, Panjab University, Chandigarh
100. 03/12/201920 PH.D. Fellowship (2019)
101. 06/11/2019Special lecture on "Shri Guru Nanak : Yug Purush" on The Occasion of 550th Birth Anniversary of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
102. 03/10/2019Notice inviting tender for Ultracentrifuge
103. 17/09/2019Walk-in-Interview for appointing 04(four) Guest Faculty in the Department of Biophysics, Panjab University, Chandigarh
105. 16/08/2019Applications are invited for the position of Research assistant in the ICMR sponsored research project
106. 19/07/2019Regarding counseling for admission in M.Sc (Hons.) Biophysics for the session 2019-20
107. 21/06/2019Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow/Project Associate-I in the UGC-DAE
108. 30/05/2019Advertisement for the Post of Junior Research Fellow
109. 07/03/2019Final UGC-MRP Project of Prof.Ashwani Koul
110. 29/10/2018Award of Panjab University Fellowship for Ph.D. 2018
111. 23/10/2018Advertisement for one post of JRF under the DST project
112. 11/10/2018Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow
113. 11/10/2018Advertisement for the post of Research Associate
114. 01/10/2018Advt. for the post of Project Fellow under UGC-SAP Programme
115. 19/09/2018e-TENDER
116. 12/09/2018Interview schedule for Ph.D. admission.
117. 10/08/2018Advertisement Notice for the post of Guest Faculty in the Department of Biophysics
118. 20/07/2018e-TENDER
119. 23/04/2018Biophysics Alumni Association of Panjab Univeristy (BAAPU), Chandigarh
120. 06/04/2018Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow in DST-SERB
121. 16/02/2018Applications are invited for the Post of DRDO sponsored research project
122. 30/01/2018Applications are invited for the Post of Project Fellow in the research project
123. 20/11/2017Special Lecture on 21.11.2017 at 3.30 p.m. in the Seminar hall of Biophysics Department
124. 10/07/2017Conference on ROLE OF BIOPHYSICS IN ACADEMIA AND INDUSTRY DATE: 12-13th October, 2017 Organized by: Department of Biophysics, Panjab University, chandigarh
125. 17/04/2017Constitution of the "Biophysics alumni association of Panjab university" (BAAPU))
126. 17/04/2017Minutes of the General body meeting of the alumni of the Biophysics department held on 12th April, 2017, in the seminar hall
127. 07/04/2017invitation to our distinguished Alumni to participate inthe meeting of Alumni Association.
128. 24/03/2017Applications are invited for one post of Project Fellow in the UGC-Special Assistance Programme (SAP) phase DSA -1
129. 22/03/2017Applicaton are invited for the two posts of Programme Assistant under the DST's PURSE
130. 02/03/2017Applicaton are invited for the two posts of Programme Assistant under the DST's PURSE
131. 22/11/2016extension of the Hardware lane cabelling
132. 02/11/2016Application are inivted for the one post of Project Fellow/Project Associate-I in the UGC-DAE project
133. 02/11/2016corrigendum regarding extension date of NIQ (UV-visible spectrophotometer)
134. 20/10/2016Applications are invited for the post of Guest Faculty Session 2016-17
135. 19/09/2016Application are inivted for the one post of Project Fellow/Project Associate-I in the UGC-DAE project
136. 24/06/2016Applications are invited for one post of Project Assistant in the SERB
137. 08/04/2016Applications are invited for one post of project Fellow/Project Associate-I
138. 01/04/2016Application are inivted for the one post of Project Fellow in the UGC-Special Assistant Programme (SAP)
139. 22/03/2016Application for one post of Project Fellow/Project Associate-I
140. 25/02/2016Advertisement for the one post of Project Fellow under UGC Major Project
141. 24/02/2016Advertisement of the post of Research Assistant
142. 27/01/2016Application are inivted for the one post of Project Fellow in the UGC-Special Assistant Programme (SAP)
144. 18/12/2015Change of shcdule for interview of 03 BSR-fellows post for 31st December 2015 at 11.00 A.M.
145. 17/12/2015Readvertisement of 03(three) posts of UGC-BSR Fellowships
146. 01/12/2015Advertisement for UGC-BSR Fellowship
147. 01/10/2015Application for the post of Programme Assistant
148. 18/08/2015Regarding admission of Ms. Syeda Jafri Shahrin (NRI Candidate)
149. 17/08/2015Purchase of chemical
150. 23/07/2015Applications are invited for the contract faculty and Guest Faculty in the Department of Biophysics
151. 06/05/2015Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow
152. 24/04/2015Applications are invited to provide photocopy & computer printing facilities
153. 24/04/2015Application are invited to provide photocopy & computer printing facilities
154. 20/02/2015Applications are invited for the two posts of Programme Assistant under the DSTs PURSE grant, (Phase-II),
155. 10/07/2014Interview for the Admission to M.Sc(H.S.) I year in Biophysics

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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